Blog Archives - 2 Record(s)

Year: '2019' - Month: '4'

Relocating Ticket Work via GIT

Category GIT, SourceTree, Tips

Mis-referencing work on branches and feature branches happens.

GIT provides renaming and history-altering tools to help us fix our silly mistakes.

This post runs through a rather simple way to relocate work from one ticketing reference setup to another using SourceTree GIT management tools.

Using Postman Environment Variables to Help Make Ease of API Development

Category APIs, Postman

When developing or testing APIs, Postman makes the job simple for us. There are many tools available that we can use to do our development or testing with ease. What I found to be most beneficial are environment variables. If you are working with many different environments, you may set up each with any authorization tokens, urls, or any other variables you find necessary to set. After setting up your variables and building your request, all that’s left is to select your environment and make your call.